Thursday, January 21, 2021

Self-Introduction email

Subject: Self-introduction email

Dear Professor Blackstone

My name is Ting Pin Kiat, but you may address me as Pin Kiat for short. I am writing this email to help you to understand me better. I graduated with a diploma in engineering with business from Nanyang Polytechnic and am currently taking my bachelor’s of civil engineering at the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT). 

Many people asked me why I chose an engineering course, and my response to them was simply passion. My interest in engineering grew when I started to do well in mathematics and science. Although I do not have a civil engineering background, I strongly believe with hard work and perseverance, will eventually lead me in becoming a professional engineer. I have always lived by this quote, “Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.”

During my national service, I took up roles that required me to pass down information to others clearly and concisely. That allowed me to build confidence in communicating with the people with whom I was unfamiliar. However, communicating in a large crowd has been my weakness since young as I have long been an introvert. I tend to feel uncomfortable communicating with strangers and will start to stutter at times. This is a fear I will learn to conquer through this module.

My goals in this module are to refine my public speaking skills and improve my writing skills. For my writing skills, I need to reduce the number of grammatical errors and refine my sentence structure. I look forward to learning more about effective communication and improving my English language under your guidance.

Thank you for taking your time to read this email.

Warmest regards

Pin Kiat

CVE Group 6

Revised on 1/2/2021

(Feedbacks is given by Prof Brad, Randall, Donald, and Cayden)

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

The Importance of Communication Skills for Engineers

"Developing excellent communication skills is absolutely essential to effective leadership. The leader must be able to share knowledge and ideas to transmit a sense of urgency and enthusiasm to others. If a leader can't get the message across clearly and motivate others to act on it, then having a message doesn't even matter."
Gilbert Amelio, President and CEO of National Semiconductor Corp

My Viewpoint:

It is important to interact and communicate well with your teammates in order to be a successful leader. Knowledge sharing allows the team to communicate, to work together better, and also a way of learning. If a leader is unable to communicate clearly and pass on the information, it can lead to confrontation and dispute along the way.
to others. If a leader can't get a message across clearly and motivate others to act on it, then
having a message doesn't even matter."
Gilbert Amelio,
President and CEO of National Semiconductor Corp

Critical Reflection

  During my first week of Effective Communication, Professor Blackstone told us to list down some of our goals for this module in our self-i...